
An image of intern Gia Mann

Gia Mann

Digital marketing intern

About the Author

Gia is an intern for, working with the digital marketing team. Gia is studying BSc Economics at University of Birmingham and is about to go into her final year.

As an Economic student, Gia is eager to make her mark in the dynamic world of finance and technology. With a strong passion for understanding the intricate workings of markets and the global economy, Gia's constantly seeking opportunities to expand her knowledge and contribute to the field.

Gia has actively engaged in projects that have allowed her to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. Gia's interested in learning various coding languages - recognising the importance of technology in the field of economics.

Articles by Gia Mann

An Asian businessman smiles as he looks up in the city.

When should I transition from sole trader to limited company?

Thinking about making the switch from a sole trader to a limited company? This guide will help you decide if and when it’s the right move for your business.

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The logo for the British Business Bank

What Is The British Business Bank And How Can It Help My Business?

The British Business Bank is your gateway to government-backed funding and financial insights. Find out who they are and what they offer in our guide.

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