When choosing a business bank account, think about the features that best support your business needs. Here’s what to look for:
1. Integration with accounting software
Many accounts offer integration with accounting software, making it easier to track your business finances, manage cash flow, and prepare for tax season.
For small businesses, a business account with invoicing tools can save time by automatically sending, chasing, and tracking invoices, helping you get paid on time.
3. Access to credit and/or loans
Some business accounts offer access to business credit cards or loans, which can help you manage cash flow or fund growth opportunities.
4. International transactions
If your business operates globally, you'll want an account that supports low-cost international transactions, including the ability to hold multiple currencies. Some accounts also come with a debit card that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees.
5. Overdraft facilities
Overdrafts can help smooth out cash flow gaps. If you anticipate needing one, keep an eye on interest rates and eligibility criteria.
6. Interest
While not all business accounts pay interest, some do. If you don’t require an overdraft, a business account that offers interest on balances could be a useful way to grow your savings while keeping funds accessible.
7. Protection
Look for accounts with financial protection under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which covers deposits up to £85,000. If using an online provider, check if funds are safeguarded under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011.