Meet Lara: the founder of an eco pregnancy test that’s ready to disrupt the market

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Lara Solomon is on a mission to provide sustainable healthcare products.

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Lara Solomon, founder of Hoopsy
Lara started Hoopsy to try and reduce the huge number of plastic pregnancy tests that are being added to landfill each year
  • Business name: Hoopsy

  • Industry: Healthcare

  • Founded in: 2022

  • Top business product: Business bank account

  • Key learning: “You’ve got to be able to talk to people and put yourself out there.”

People start a business for many different reasons, but for Lara Solomon, it was personal. 

Lara founded Hoopsy, which offers pregnancy tests that are 99% plastic-free, after going through IVF. She shares her story candidly when explaining her motivations for starting the business. And it’s one of the many reasons why her customers connect with the brand. 

Here, she delves deeper into her business journey and explains her plans for the future. 

Why did you decide to start your business, Hoopsy? 

It all started when I was going through IVF in 2021. I was part of a lot of Facebook groups with other people who were trying to conceive, and I kept seeing pictures of pregnancy tests. It dawned on me that a large number of tests were being used every day. Plus, why is there so much plastic in these mainstream test kits when there doesn’t need to be? I knew that something needed to be done about it. 

I’ve always been environmentally conscious, and I realised pregnancy tests were just the start as there are many different medical tests that use the same amount of plastic. In the UK alone, there are more than 12.5 million plastic pregnancy tests that go into landfill every year. 

What was your background before Hoopsy? 

I didn’t have a medical background, but I’ve founded numerous product-based businesses in the past. However, Hoopsy was a bit different as it involved a lot of medical regulations so I needed to make sure I had the right people around me. At the time, I was living in Australia, but it was easier to get a certification for the UK and Europe so we launched there first in July 2022.

I’m originally from the UK, but I had been living in Sydney for 22 years, so when I came back I didn’t really know many people in the business world. I knew I needed to build my network, so I reached out to a lot of people and asked many questions! I now have a solid network, including someone who works for one of the UK’s biggest lateral flow test companies. I also have a gynecologist on my advisory team and she has invaluable expertise for Hoopsy. 

Did you always want to run your own business? 

Yes. My dad had his own business and he definitely inspired me to be my own boss. I did work in the corporate world for a few years, but I found it frustrating that I couldn’t think outside of the box. I felt restricted and I wanted to try something new. 

What were the biggest challenges you faced in the early days of Hoopsy? 

One of our big challenges was getting into retail. Although there has been a big push for sustainable products, the reality of getting them into shops is a lot harder and that was frustrating at times. 

Marketing the product was also a challenge. With a pregnancy test, you either want to be pregnant or you don’t want to be pregnant. There’s not many tests where you could be happy with either result - it’s an emotional purchase. So you have to choose your audience, and I decided to focus on the people that are trying to conceive. 

Did you do a lot of market research? 

Yes, absolutely. When I decided on our target market, I asked a group of people to become my test group. They had all been trying to conceive for the past six months and I gave them free pregnancy tests from Hoopsy in return for their feedback. I asked them a lot of questions around marketing the product and it really helped with our positioning. I was also really open about my own story and experiences with IVF, which really helped to connect with my audience. 

We also reached out to more than 300 influencers to see whether they wanted to use our pregnancy tests. Influencer marketing is something that many business owners recommend, but it didn’t work for us. I think it was less than 10% that actually wanted to talk about the product on their platforms. It’s a sensitive subject, and not everyone wants to make it public. We learnt a lot from this and I would say not to give up if you experience similar challenges. If you’ve tried different forms of marketing but nothing is sticking, consider reaching out to other business owners in your industry and ask for their advice. I did this and it was invaluable to get a different perspective. 

Did any financial products help in the early days? 

I set up a business bank account with Anna, as I find that online banks are a lot easier to use and less hassle to set up. Most of my banking is online so it’s straightforward to manage. I also got a free month when I set up the business account, so I always look out for offers and make the most of them! I might consider switching bank accounts later on if there’s a better deal in the market, as switching business bank accounts is a lot less painful than you might think! 

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In terms of the finances, is there anything you wish you’d known about sooner? 

As this wasn’t my first business, it made everything a lot easier. I knew that having your own business bank account makes life a lot easier in comparison to a personal account. If you don’t have a business bank account it doesn’t look very professional and it can be difficult to work out your expenses. I also knew that setting up Xero Accounting Software would save a lot of time and it’s worth the money over trying to do it in an Excel spreadsheet. 

What’s next for your business? 

I have many plans! I really want to expand further and add some more people to the team. I’m then keen for us to explore private labelling so our product will be on the shelves of top retailers but under their brand name. This will give us more credibility as you’ve got a big brand using your product. 

I’ve also got a patent for a 100% plastic-free test, as opposed to our current 99% plastic-free test. We need to finish that development and then go through regulatory approval, but it’s really exciting as it’ll open up even more opportunities for us.  

What would you say to someone who is thinking about setting up their own business? 

I always say that it’s important to ask for help. It accelerates your business so much faster than if you try and work it out yourself. You’ve got to be able to talk to people and put yourself out there. You can’t expect people to just come to you and buy your product - you’ve got to show them why your product is worth buying. 

This case study is for informational purposes only and is not intended as financial or professional advice. The results described are specific to the individual's personal experience, so please consult with a qualified professional if you need financial advice.

About Lucinda O'Brien

As a trained journalist, Lucinda has spent the past 10 years writing and editing content for regional and national titles, including The Mirror, WalesOnline and Manchester Evening News. She is now a personal finance editor and specialises in savings, helping people to make confident financial decisions so they can save for what matters most.

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