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  • Hannah Maundrell



Hannah Maundrell

Former Editor in Chief

About the Author

Hannah Maundrell is the former Editor in Chief of Money.co.uk.

During her time here she wrote extensively on consumer issues, personal finances and more - becoming a frequent expert commentator on the BBC news channels and radio, the national press and other media.

Are you paying too much council tax?

If your home is in the wrong council tax band you could be paying too much and may even be eligible for a refund. Here is what you need to know.

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How To Interview Your Mortgage Broker 2024 | money.co.uk

We explain how to make sure your broker is both qualified and capable of finding you the best deal before they start your search for the perfect mortgage.

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10 steps to becoming debt free

We explain, step by step, how you can work towards clearing your debts and becoming debt free.

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Dealing with debt - where to start

Being faced with unmanageable debt can seem overwhelming but there are a number of options available to you. We explain where to start if you're dealing with debt.

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How to heat your home for less

Getting your home properly insulated can drive down the cost of your energy bills significantly as well as help protect the environment — we show you how to do it without breaking the bank.

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How to check your credit rating

Stay on top of your finances and prevent fraud simply by checking your credit rating - we show you how.

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The flat rate state pension: FAQ

Plans for the new flat rate state pension have now been set out. Here is what it means for you, whenever you are set to retire.

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How to cope with redundancy

With redundancy and unemployment on the rise, we look at what you can do to soften the blow and survive financially should the worst happen.

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Inheritance tax: the basics

Inheritance tax is paid on any assets you leave to family or friends when you die, we explain what you need to know and how to avoid it altogether.

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The importance of writing a will and key considerations

If you haven't already recorded your last will and testament, do it now because you never know what tomorrow may bring.

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Are Christmas Clubs the best way to save?

Could a Christmas Club help you save money on your Christmas shopping? We take a look.

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What to do if you cannot pay a bill

We explain what you need to do if you can't afford to pay a bill.

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Students lose £32 million in rental deposits when they move out

With four out of five student tenants not signing a photo inventory, read on to find out why they are losing their money and what they can do about it.

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Homeowners on standard mortgages are paying up to £3,500 too much

One in five mortgage customers are paying through the nose for sitting on their lender's standard variable rates.

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Average UK council tax bill up by 3.1% — do you have to suck it up?

With up to £5,539 up for grabs you should read on...

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Barclaycard announces new giveaway

Barclaycard has announced that it will give away a case of wine worth £60 or a £15 gift voucher to customers who are accepted for its Platinum 33 and 34 month balance transfer card.

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Almost one in ten consumers pay council tax bills on credit cards

Consumers paying their council tax bills on credit cards are stung with an average surcharge of £30.

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What are your refund rights?

Whether you braved the sales on Black Friday, or are holding out for bigger bargains in the lead up to Christmas it is vital you know your refund rights:

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3 essential Black Friday survival tips

Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year, is just around the corner. Here are three quick tips to make the most of it without blowing a big hole in your budget.

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Woman with shopping bags walks buy homeless man

How the lives of 10 lottery millionaires went disastrously wrong

Every week, millions of people buy lottery tickets in the hope that this week, finally, it will be their turn to win big. But is being a lottery millionaire all it is made out to be? Not according to this sorry bunch...

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The simple way to save £100s on your water bill

Some households are paying hundreds of pounds more than they need to for water supply - is yours one of them?

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Can buying a repossessed property save you money?

If you can put aside the emotive mental images conjured up by the words 'repossessed property', then there are some real bargains to be had. You just need to know where to look and how to go about buying.

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Should I buy a house with friends?

Buying a house is still out of reach for many first time buyers. Sharing the costs with friends or family can seem like a good idea, but what do you need to know before you take the plunge?

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Your tax credit renewal questions answered

When the time comes to renew your tax credits, you need to make sure HMRC have their facts straight or you could get caught out. Here is what you need to do and why.

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Annoyed man looking at bills

Can you reclaim your mortgage exit fees?

Thanks to an FSA ruling, mortgage customers can now ask their lender to refund a portion of their mortgage exit fees if the amount they had to pay was greater than the fee stated in their original contract. We explain how to make a claim.

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Should I use my mortgage to pay off other debts?

Consolidating credit cards and loan debts into your mortgage can seem a no-brainer - after all, given the size of the debt, mortgage payments can seem low. However, it is not necessarily the win-win strategy it seems - we explain.

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Your rights if a retailer goes into administration

Companies going into administration has become commonplace, so where does this leave you? Here is what happens if a company you make a purchase from goes out of business.

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How to complain about bad service - Letter template

Remember to delete the appropriate information before sending the letter.

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If you're watching TV, having a shower, posting a letter or picking up a prescription - it will cost you more on Saturday!

We're not joking, 1st April really is 'National Price Hike Day' when you'll be hit with yet another raft of inflation-busting price hikes and many of your day-to-day activities will cost you more.

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Two thirds of working households claim they are JAMs

Half of those with an annual household income of over £70,000 feel they are just about managing financially.

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New Year, new start... apart

Monday 4th January is peak time to set the 'separation wheels in motion'.

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TalkTalk hike broadband prices

Hannah Maundrell, Editor in Chief at money.co.uk, commented on the latest price hike announcement by TalkTalk

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11 million credit card holders do not know they have section 75 protection

The credit card sector's best kept secret - Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act - came into force 40 years ago.

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