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  • How A Card Machine Can Transform Your Side Hustle

How a card machine can transform your side hustle

A card machine might not be the first thing you think of when setting up your side hustle, but using one can transform your new business.

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A young woman takes a card payment in her florist
Card machines can be useful for all sorts of side hustles

Card machines have been around for a while now. It’s pretty likely that you’ve used one without even thinking about it.

For bars, restaurants and shops they're now the most popular way to safely accept payments from customers. But these are pretty established businesses - at least in the way we perhaps think of them.

With the emergence of the side hustle phenomenon and more of us dipping our toes into the world of business - having a card machine might not be something you instinctively think about. After all, if it’s something you’re doing on the side you want the admin to be as simple as possible. 

But a card machine could transform your idea into something much bigger. From increasing sales’ potential to improving customer satisfaction, there are plenty of benefits in introducing a card machine to your side hustle.

Before we take a look at a few of those benefits, let’s first look at what a card machine is.

What is a card machine?

In a nutshell, a card machine allows you to take card and contactless payments simply. That’s usually from customers, but it can be from anyone that you need to take money from.

They might have different names - card terminals, PDQ machines, POS terminals, card payment solutions, card reader or Chip & PIN - but in essence they all do the same thing. 

There are different types of card machines though - so it’s a good idea to understand the options first.

The different types of card machines

Countertop - This type of card machine is stationary - so you’ll usually find it next to a till. It usually needs an Ethernet cable in order to connect to the internet - but that means a more stable internet connection and less chance of the payment failing. 

Mobile - Unlike a countertop - this type of card machine can very much be used on the go. It uses a Wi-Fi internet connection (such as through your phone) and allows for flexible payments wherever your side hustle operates.

Portable - Similar to a mobile card machine, a portable machine is often found in bars and restaurants. It typically has a docking station that’s connected to the internet with an Ethernet cable and the machine itself can be moved around within a certain radius.

Transforming your side hustle 

So that’s the basics out of the way - here’s why having a card machine can transform your side hustle.

Increase your sales 

This one might seem obvious - but depending on what you do for your side hustle it might not always be that obvious. Put simply though - cash sales are in decline and the vast majority of customers are looking to pay with their card or phone. If you can only accept cash payments then you’re reducing the amount of sales you can make. Even if it isn’t your main job, it still doesn’t make sense to restrict how much you can earn from it. 

A card machine can increase sales if you’re selling in person - such as in a shop, market or craft fair - or online. So however you’re selling, or planning to sell, a card machine can increase those all important sales.

Elevate your professionalism

While a side hustle might not be your main career in life, it’s still important that you demonstrate that you’re professional. You are asking people to part with their money, after all. 

A card machine can help you look more polished and legitimate which goes a long way in building trust. Depending on your side hustle, you might really benefit from repeat sales generated through a trusting customer base - so it’s worth the effort.

Customer convenience

As time goes on - more people have started to question whether “the customer is always right”, but where you can it’s often better to make life easy for your customers.

Taking a card or phone out is the preferred way to leave the house these days - no need to visit an ATM or risk carrying cash. It would be really inconvenient to then ask your customer to use an ATM in order to purchase your goods. By accepting card and contactless payments you can give your customers the convenience they desire.

It works both ways too - if you have fewer cash payments it means there’s less manual banking needed and you don’t need to worry about things like change.

Easier to track

If you have a card machine, you’ll most likely need to have a business bank account too. That’s so any sales you make can be deposited into the account linked to your side hustle. And any card transactions are automatically recorded. 

A significant benefit of this is that you can easily track every transaction - which makes life so much easier. Whether it’s for simplifying tax returns or keeping a close eye on cash flow - managing your side hustle is so much more straightforward. 

It’s more secure

Aside from the customer benefits featured so far - there’s no getting around the fact that card payments are generally more secure. Carrying a till full of cash home after a busy day trading, and then to a bank when they’re open, can lead to all sorts of problems. If it’s all done through a card machine then that time consuming process is eliminated. 

That same mindset extends to customers too. They may have expressed a preference for card payments because of the protections card payments provide. For example Section 75 and chargeback schemes - where a customer can claim a refund from their bank if something is misrepresented or goes wrong with the sale - aren’t a right that’s available from a cash payment.

Card machine’s aren’t free - so it’s right that you find one that suits your side hustle. But with a variety of options and price points - the cost shouldn’t outweigh the benefits outlined here.

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About Kyle Eaton

Kyle is a finance writer specialising in all things related to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). He has over ten years' experience working in financial services.

View Kyle Eaton's full biography here or visit the money.co.uk press centre for our latest news.