If you're juggling several different debts, the best thing you can do is to tackle them head-on. But where do you start? We look at which debts you should pay off first so that it's easier to get on track to becoming debt-free.
Read MoreWhat happens if you're late to a payment, or miss one entirely, and how long you have to fix it before the costs start piling up
Read MoreWe explain, step by step, how you can work towards clearing your debts and becoming debt free.
Read MoreBeing faced with unmanageable debt can seem overwhelming but there are a number of options available to you. We explain where to start if you're dealing with debt.
Read MoreBeing in debt and struggling to pay your bills can be frustrating and stressful, especially if you are feeling pressured into making repayments you cannot afford. But how far can companies actually go to reclaim your money?
Read MoreGetting debt advice could help you pay off what you owe quickly and avoid making your problems worse. Here is how to find the best places to get help with your debts.
Read MoreWe explain how to deal with debt if you have a disability and show you where to get help if you need it.
Read MoreIf you find yourself in a position where you can't meet your monthly mortgage payments, it is important not to bury your head in the sand. Help is at hand and there are things you can do to get back on track.
Read MoreTo help ease some of your worries there are some things you can do to prepare for the financial uncertainty and take steps to manage your debt.
Read MoreWe explain exactly how and when debt collectors are allowed to contact you so that you can prepare yourself for when they call, and complain when they've overstepped the mark.
Read MoreDepression and grief affect many areas of your life and this includes your finances. We take a look at how to make sure your money situation doesn't add to your worries when you're going through such a difficult time.
Read MoreIf you've built up business debt that you can't escape, it's important to know if your personal finances will take a hit. We examine whether you can protect yourself from bad business debt.
Read moreWhen you are a student, money tends to be the last thing on your mind. But as the heady days of student-hood become consigned to the realm of nostalgia, it is time to pick up the tab.
Read MoreConsolidating credit cards and loan debts into your mortgage can seem a no-brainer - after all, given the size of the debt, mortgage payments can seem low. However, it is not necessarily the win-win strategy it seems - we explain.
Read MoreKnowing how to deal with a debt collection company if you are approached for money can ensure you're not intimidated or misled. Here's how to handle debt collectors and avoid the traps they set to get you to pay up.
Read MoreBankruptcy is financially painful, but in many cases you'll be discharged within a year and free to get on with your life without the debts that were crippling you financially hanging over you. Here's what to expect if you go bankrupt.
Read MoreIf you're in financial trouble and struggling to repay your debts, you might be considering bankruptcy. We look at exactly what declaring yourself bankrupt involves, what the alternatives are and how to work out your best option.
Read MoreIf your debt management company stops trading, you need to make sure you keep up with repaying your debts. Here is what you need to do and where you can get help.
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