Investment ISAs are less secure than cash ISAs, so you need to make sure you understand the risks before investing.
No subscription fee, no custody fee, no withdrawal fee - no surprises! Lightyear charges no execution fees for ETFs (fund manager fees may apply) and for shares they charge £/€/$ 1 (min $0.10 per US shares). Conversion fee is 0.35%. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £1 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £0 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £1 |
An Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 1.2% applies. This charge is collected automatically from your ISA. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £1,000 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £50 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £1,000 |
There is no ISA annual charge. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £15,000 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £1 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £15,000 |
Annual charges for holding funds (unit trusts and OEICs) are applied to each underlying account (excluding JISA and LISA) separately. It is tiered within bands as shown in the table below:- Tiers : Charge £0 - £250,000 0.45% The next £250,000 to £1million 0.25% The next £1million to £2million 0.10% Over £2million 0.00% LISA Tiers : Charge £0 - £1 million 0.25% The next £1million to £2million 0.10% Over £2million 0.00% JISA: Charge Annual charge for holding funds 0% There are also annual charges for holding shares, investment trusts, ETFs, VCTs, gilts and corporate bonds:- Product Wrapper Charge Fund & Share Account no charge Junior ISA: no charge ISA 0.45% (Max £45 per annum) LISA: 0.25% (Max £45 per annum) SIPP 0.45% (Max £200 per annum) This will be charged individually to each wrapper. Charges for holding shares do not apply to shares held in Hargreaves Lansdown plc. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £100 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £25 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £100 |
There is no ISA level annual fee. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £250 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £25 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £250 |
Our tiered approach means you’ll pay 1.5% on the first £5,000, 1% on amounts between £5,001 and £20,000, and 0.5% on any amount over £20,000. As your fund value grows, your overall percentage charge will decrease, giving you lower fees the more you invest. This fee is calculated daily and deducted on a monthly basis and will appear as an Annual Management Charge. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £100 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £20 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £100 |
There is a service fee for and ISA and/or GIA. Tier: Rate £0 - £50.000: 0.4% £50,001 - £100,000: 0.3% £100,001 - £250,000: 0.2% £250,000+: 0.15% The fee will be charges as 1/12th of the relevant annual percentage each month based on the value of the overall ISA and GIA balance calculated each day. Blended fees apply to the ISA, GIA and SIPP products only based on the total balance across all accounts. Fees will be charged separately for any Junior ISA. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £25 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £25 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £25 |
There is no fee at ISA level. There is a charge at platform level. |
Permanent UK Resident | |
Minimum Initial Deposit | £0 |
Minimum Monthly Investment | £0 |
Minimum Lump Sum Stocks & Shares ISA Investment | £0 |